What We Offer
Let us help you or your organization achieve balance, resilience, and happiness through applied mindfulness training.
Have something in mind not listed below? Contact us — we’d love to hear more.
Retreat @ Home Half-Day Retreat
Live Online
SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2021
Mindfulness is a beneficial social contagion. By centering and grounding ourselves in the practices of meditation, yoga, and reflection, we offer our steadiness and presence in a way that can actually "be catchy" to others. Join the community for a half-day experience of guided meditation, mindful movement, and walking meditation. Learn More →

“I’ve long been interested in meditation but making the switch from thinking and reading about it, to actually practicing it, was a huge step for me. If you are considering taking a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) class, I highly recommend taking it with Elizabeth and Jill at Upstream Mindfulness.”
— Steve Bondy (MBSR Partricipant)
"Elizabeth has a natural, authentic way of connecting with students. I observed noticeable positive changes in the social and emotional behavior in several of my students as a result of her program.
During Elizabeth’s time with us, one of our district’s schools experienced a shooting. I was so sad and could not stop thinking about it. It was not until Elizabeth’s mindfulness class that I actually felt better. Her trauma-informed teaching focused on negativity bias and holding onto the good; it was just what I and my students needed.”
— Alecia Glorioso, Teacher (Mindful Education)
“During our course, Elizabeth and Jill emphasized how we could call them anytime we needed them. They were always available to talk to outside of class, like when I was having a difficult time with the homework. That really made the cost worth it for me, you’re not just attending a course, you’re getting individualized instruction."
— Beth Parenteau (MBSR Participant)
The Science Behind Mindfulness
Reduce stress and build resilience
The brain is as much a part of the body as a bicep, and it can be trained to strengthen attention just as muscles can be strengthened with exercise. Mindfulness meditation practice is like weight-lifting for the brain: the more you practice, the stronger you get.
Scientific studies show that practicing mindfulness can improve your mental and emotional wellbeing. We are dedicated not only to teaching mindfulness, but also to helping you apply it to your unique circumstances and sustain your practice so that your “mindful muscles” are ready whenever you need them.